Welcome TO N.A.C. Nimapara  
Vision & Mission
Cleanliness and sanitation has always been a challenge for Nimapara NAC because the peculiar geography and growing population of Athgarh. An efficient sanitation system calls for widespread reforms in the cleaning and conservancy activities and Solid Waste Management system including collection and disposal of wastes. Nimapara NAC has taken up the challenge and total overhauling of the sanitation and SWM system by introducing mechanized sweeping. Sustained development of the city through the development of roads, drainage system and water bodies is another area of concern for Athgarh NAC Funds of the Corporation as well as funds of State Govt. as well as Govt. of India are being utilized for construction/renovation of roads in the city. Further, DPRs are under preparation for availing more funds under difference schemes.

Aim & Objectives :

The main objective is to protect the NAC from hazardous disease and make it as TOBACCO FREE NAC and to give all types of help from natural climates to maintain the town in a planned manner. The main objective is to ensure systematic & planned Development of the area coming und Nimapara NAC Cleaning of the town, Provision of street light, supply of drinking water etc.

Nimapara NAC has to discharge following obligatory functions to deliver services to the citizens and to achieve the objectives.

1. Construction & maintenance of roads and drains.
2. Solid waste management.
3. Street Lighting.
4. Slum Improvement & services to urban poor.
5. Birth and Death Registration.
6. Marriage Registration.
7. Removal of encroachment.
8. Plantation & Maintenance of parks.
9. Plantation & Maintenance of parks.
10. Prevention of heath Care.